Fun Party are experts in creating unique party printables including games and activities and invitations for your birthday or special occasion. Our printables can be downloaded immediately upon payment ready for you to add your own unique wording. Read below on how to edit our digital templates.
Fun Party Australia provide two types of files…
PDF templates are provided for most designs where possible because they offer a quick easy to edit solution which is best if you are printing invitations yourself at home. You will need Adobe Reader on a PC to edit the PDF.
(Get Adobe Reader)
Canva templates offer more flexibility in that you can download images in different formats, send them to a professional printer, email, text or share on social media.
NOTE – designs with more complicated fonts and personal elements will not include the PDF file, only the Canva templates.
What happen’s after I make a purchase?
Once your purchase is complete, you will immediately be redirected to an order confirmation page which will include links for you to download your digital file or files, and you will receive an email with those same links. You can also instantly access your files by going to ‘My Account’ then ‘Downloads’. Your files will be available for 21 days post purchase.
How to edit our digital templates
How do I edit the PDF template?
Download Reader software for free (if you don’t already have it) from Adobe at
Simply click on the text, edit and print as required.
To format your text, press Ctrl E when in Acrobat Reader. This should bring up a toolbar “Form Field Text Properties”. You then have the option to change the text including size, font, spacing, colour, bolding and italics.
How do I edit the Canva templates?
Click on the Canva template links in your downloaded PDF instruction document.
If you don’t have a Canva account, you will need to sign up for free, or sign in to an existing account.
Once you’re signed in, you’ll be prompted to make a copy of the template. Choose “Make a Copy” you will be taken to the Canva editor to edit your details as required.
Save as a PDF, JPEG or PNG file for printing. For the best print results, choose the highest pixels and quality options. Check the preferred format with your printer, or if you would like to insert images into a document and print at home, any of these three formats will be fine.
Save as a JPEG for electronic sharing. The default pixels and quality should be enough for digital distribution.
For only a few dollars, Fun Party printables are high quality professionally created documents that will excite your guests, and save hours of your time allowing you to get on with the other many things that need to be done when planning a party.
Why not download one of our free PDF printables to try for yourself?